New community is already open!!! Still in BETA but please go try
It is called ArtistsArena.Org
Before posting please watch the video instruction
Make sure you follow the instruction otherwise your post will not show up.
Watch out for the up coming ART TOURNAMENT every two weeks with awesome PRIZE for the winner!!! Be prepare. ;-)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Community Announcement!!! (IMPORTANT)

Hey Guys!!!

As you all know that this place is a Temporary HOME for the community.
I have been looking around and try to evaluate which platform will be GREAT for the future of the SMALL community to come.

And after reading a bunch of tech BLOGs and such...
I FOUND this really COOL place!!!!
IT IS BRAND NEW by a start up company in England I think.

It's new and have all kinds of new (embed, widgets, feeds, videos) stuff that we need!!!
The NEWEST FORUM/COMMUNITY Platform I could find!!!

Provide a Better Experience for THE Community Members

  • Multimedia - Embed photos and videos with ease, just copy and paste.
  • Threaded Comments - Makes for easier to follow and deeper topics of conversation.
  • Social Forums - Member profiles generated from the topics they participate in.
  • Hottest Topics - We balance popularity and freshness, to bring you the hottest topics in your forum.
  • Forum Search - Actually FIND what you are looking for in your forum.
  • Unread Message Tracking - Quickly see what's new since your last visit.
  • WYSIWYG - (What You See Is What You Get) Rich Text Editors allow you to SEE your formatting changes as you type.

Go check it out, REGISTER, and START POSTING!!!
Let me know what you think!!!

I will switch within a week or or two, depending on the time frame I have available.

PS: Knuckle>> Let me know if you are cool with the look and feel.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Drawing caricature of Bjorn Borg

Here is a caricature of the swedish tennis player under the 80´s. It was published in the book Drawing Faces.

My name is Esbjorn Jorsater, and am a comic art school teacher in Stockholm, Sweden. I also work with the social network

Sunday, April 6, 2008

naruto or something lol

lol started as a brush test doodle, and slowly formed this, maybe subconcious from watchin the latest episodes earlier, zomg. sasuke! :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

cloak dude

er well, it was just a doodle, but decided to try work it in a bit... try improve a little like :) hope ya like it
facial expression translates to: "... Ye i gotta problem, I dont like this red cloak, I ASKED FOR BLUEE!!!!!"
Greg x

Friday, April 4, 2008

Where wolf?

It's Marty Feldman as Igor!

Heh heh, get it?


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wonder Woman

Quick sketch - inked in marker -

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I will not write any comments to this. This is kinda more a test if you can see, what this was supposed to look like.

Please write a comment with your bid! (My dad said it was all impossible to see - for me it's pretty clear :D)

I Draw Girls, and more

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TO JOIN Idraw Community Sketches and Doodles: Click here or contact Knuckle930.

* We have reached the member cap of blogspot and haven't found any solution jet. If you know any, let us know. *

Exclusive Sketches from SketchWich!!!