Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fantastic Flying Four Process Pics
Hey all. First time post here. I'm reposting a step-by-step from my blog. Hopefully going to be used as part of the promotional material for a pretty big design contest. I'll post a link once I know for sure. Click for full-screen images.
Premise: The Fantastic Four as a World War II era stunt flight group. After the accident, Ben is now too heavy to drive the stunt planes. He's relegated to being the disgruntled mechanic while hot-headed Johnny gets all the action. Reed and Sue run the business together. Reed's got dreams of out-inventing his rival Howard Hughes while Sue is more concerned with scheduling air shows and that they're falling behind in their finances. This is Reed Richards' Fantastic Flying Four.Roughs. Throwing an initial composition together. Really rough. Blue pencil.
Pencils. Roughed them out on the same sheet and then did the individual characters to allow for some flexibility in the final comp.
Inked in Photoshop. Very quick. Not ideal, but it works for the cartooniness. Also recomposed a bit. Johnny stands alone.Applied flat color. This is mostly so I can use my Magic Wand to select different color fields.
This is actually two parts. First: I hit the left with shadow and the right with light. Second: I used the Lasso Tool to make a frisket. Hit that with the hard light and shadow.
Added texture to each part of clothing or skin. Used the Warp tool and some general frankensteining.
Pulled in a background. Blurred it. Then added some smoke to the ground at something like 50% opacity.
Added an old photograph type of look. 3 layers of the same parchment texture with different layer modes.Decided I hated Johnny's head. Put in real flame. Followed tutorial for some of it. Now I just hate Johnny.
That's it. Thanks for looking.
* We have reached the member cap of blogspot and haven't found any solution jet. If you know any, let us know. *