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Hi XIA's community, my name is Eduardo Ibarra, I'm from Mexico and I'm 19.
This is my first drawing (or sketch) on Phootshop. I like Naruto very much, so I drew Sakura.
Please comment my work. Than kyou very much.
Art & Artists Community Sketches, Doodles, and speedpainting community. Art, drawing, sketching, manga, anime, comics, digital or traditional, we mix them all into one community We artists are here for one purpose. We want to help each other learn about sketching, drawing, painting, color,
He ain't giant, and he ain't jolly, he's just simply green.
-Nick Fechter
guess what!today(1st sep) is my is the birthday cake for everyone in this community,cheers.
i kind of burnt my self out o digital painting so i did some graphic art stuff :)
and school its back in session so i gotta do a bunch for retarded BS for my major that just blows and is way below my level but hey :) im still arting itup :) graphic art also takes a lot less time :)
and the story behind this one is well its a hyothetical political party poster that has graffiti on it :) except i decided to use my photo for the political party member persona :) it reminds me of when i was in europe and the plastered hundreds of the same posters for various things all over the brick walls and buildings :)
i have done some quick sketches done in 15-20mins and tried to give a little fantasy look.please feel free to give your opinion.
Here's two new pictures I've made. What do you think?
(it this one's too large, right click and click view image)
Okay, so it's my third ever traditional painting and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I was less messy this time because thankfully my art teacher lended me some of her Mineral Spirits.
Sit tight, because I'm going to keep these comin'
-Nick Fechter
As of late, I've been doing ALOT of traditional work (mainly figure drawing and some painting) and haven't really been able to get into digital because of school, but hopefully now I'll be able to post some digital AND traditional works periodically (but I'm going to have to try and find a scanner that doesn't suck so much ass like mine does). This one is a 5 by 5 inch Oil Painting that took two hours, so anybody who nows more about traditional techniques PLEASE TELL ME.
Have a Good One,
Nick Fechter
My country has a long history which involves Knights, so I wanted to make a small tribute to them. Here's the concept from my point of view:Thanks.
His Jowls must be at lest worth 20K
-Nick Fechter
Here's a picture I finished today. I think it's one of my best environments so far. Tell me what you think (and yes, I got inspired by the GW2 trailer :P)
Software: Photoshop
Hardware: Wacom Bamboo One drawing tablet
Time: About a day
He's gonna need a bigger gun....and a coffin.
-Nick Fechter
Here's another one of my bizarre little warm-up paintings. Anyways, I'm glad that it's FINALLY the weekend, maybe now I can get some stuff done....
-Nick Fechter
As you can see I'm continuing to work on my anatomy. Both male and Female. I did notice though towards the end of this drawing that Wolverine was awfully big and Mystique was kind of petite. I will work on that in the next drawing. But Mystique is a shape shifter so she might have made herself smaller just to get ol'Logan a self-esteem boost!
The mighty Red Sonja has become a pawn of the evil Succubus! Does the defeated Barbarian stand a chance against a bewitched she devil with a sword!
I got a pretty harsh review at the Chicago Comic Con this year. So I went back and started restudying all my anatomy/gesture drawing books from college. I relearned a bunch of stuff that I guess I had forgotten. However I'm starting to see big improvements already in my art. I hope it shows!
I actually drew this guy a while back in my sketchbook, and today I decided to paint him. Sorry that I haven't been too involved in the blog lately, school recently began for me and finding time to start on any of my new ideas for paintings has been difficult. I managed to squeez in an hour today though, and this year I plan on resurrecting my comic strip for my school newspaper and I plan on posting them on here, so look out for those :)
-Nick Fechter
Hi all! here is my latest digital sketch, just trying out my values and some brushes, comments are appreciated :) Thanks!
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